We have areas along which information is collected and programs/events are conducted.

We believe in effective action for positive change and to that end, operate a classifieds / wishing well. From out of the interactions around the well, the Favour Bank evolves.

You can register with us as a volunteer, client or expert. That role is only for the wish / interaction.

Samples from the well can be seen here:

I, @Imran want to volunteer for a #health-camp
I am looking for ways to improve my #eyesight
I have free time Friday night and am looking for action oriented conversation on #aging and #adult-child-relationships
Our company is looking for some #CSR progects. Helping the blind is one cause we care about
I liked the idea of #Joyland, how can I contribute more?
I want in-depth feedback for my article on #spending and #excess
I posted about #environment on twitter, want it to spread like wild fire!
My daughter needs someone to teach her math
I #cut myself and needed stiches. Someone told me #homeopathy was a good for healing. I want to know more.
Our #NGO is facilitating area wise eco-champions. I want you to fund us at #link